Monk's Mom
The 55 Chevy roared, demanding respect, while Eddie Williams pressed on the gas. A crowd of onlookers smiled and clapped with approval when Eddie eased off the pedal and motor slowed.
“You do the work Eddie?” Lem Carter leaned against the driver’s door.
“Every bit of it. Dragged this thing out of my grandfather’s barn last summer. Only been a chicken coop since 1956.”
Monk Jones stuck his head in the window. “Who gived ya da money?”
Eddie stared straight ahead. “Worked hard for it down at the Mill.”
“Way I heared it, yer ol man gived ya the money.”
Eddie could feel his ego suddenly drowned. Truthfully, his dad had lent him money for parts, but Eddie was working to repay. Eddie turned and glared out the window, “Get yer hands offa the car Monkey, the paint don’t like grease.”
Jones withdrew his long arms and sneered at Eddie. “Why don’t ya go show Tammy yer ride, I’m sure she’d like it.”
Lem Carter quickly stepped between Jones and the car, thus preventing Eddie from opening door. “That was uncalled for Monk.” Tammy was Jones’older sister and had been riding with Eddie when Eddie’s car hit an icy spot, spun out of control, and rolled down a ravine. Eddie was barely injured, but Tammy was killed in the accident. Though Monk was only thirteen at the time of the accident, he had decided that Eddie was totally to blame for the accident.
“Take the car on home Eddie, you can show it another time.” Carter spoke to Eddie but kept his eyes on Jones. Most of the crowd had walked on to the other cars at the Midtown Car show and scarcely witnessed the ebbing bad blood.
Eddie started his antique car and rolled down Main Street away from the crowd. “Lord, Monk boils my blood. I don’t wanna fight him, I just want him to leave me alone. I know I can’t be forgiven for taking Tammy’s life, but Lord, is this the Hell You have sentenced me with?” The driveway of his father’s two story home came into view and Eddie maneuvered the old car toward the waiting garage opening.
“Brought the car back early.” Eddie’s father was standing in the side door opening when Eddie exited the car.
“Yeah, Monk Jones, was there trying to make a scene..”
“I know. I just got off the phone with Lem Carter. You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, think I will just go home and watch some television.”
“Welcome to stay for dinner. Your sister is fix’n chicken and collards. Stinks to high heavens but it’ll be good.”
Eddie thought about his empty apartment refrigerator. “Okay, sure. Tell her to set an extra place.”
“That’a boy. I got something to talk to you about, but later.”
Although Eddie’s father offered the blessing before dinner, all Eddie could think about was his confrontation with Monk.
When all the dishes were cleared Eddie’s father said, “Dottie, would you mind doing your homework upstairs, so Eddie and I can talk.”
“You gonna talk about my birthday present?”
Eddie threw a towel at her. “As if.”
“Okay, but I am thinking of something expensive.”
“Get outahere,” the two men chimed in chorus. She disappeared up the stairs.
Eddie leaned on the table. “I don’t know dad. It’s like God is punishing us.”
“Eddie, God hasn’t handed us more than we can handle. He has given us opportunities to show his love.”
“Love Monk?”
“Absolutely, I bet he is hurting right now. You know, Lem Carter is his uncle, well he told me that Monk's mother has Cancer.”
“Oh, no. I didn’t know. Like Mom?”
“Different, but Cancer just the same. He’s just 16, just about the same age you were when we lost your mother.”
“And I killed Tammy.”
“You didn’t kill anyone, no more than I killed your mother. Sometimes the bad things in our life just happen. But, God comes in and says, ‘lets make this work for good.’”
“I suppose. Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Kinda. Eddie, there’s something else I wanna ask you. This will require some committment on your part.
“Wow, dad, that sounds serious, what is it?.”
“You’re AB negative right?”
“That’s right; all the reservists gave blood at Christmas; the Army has me on a list.”
“Monk’s mother is AB negative too, and she is having surgery Tuesday. They need whole blood. You up to it?”
Suddenly, the pent up anger left Eddie and he felt a warm glow on the back of his neck.
“Thanks dad. Yeah, I’ll be there.”
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